Last Week of the Kickstarter + Preorders are Open!

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The final 7 days are here! Become a backer today and help us reach the stretch goal. This year’s campaign has added an unannounced “On the Trail of...” project as our stretch reward. Once we hit the new goal we’ll officially begin production of On the Trail of the Lake Michigan Mothman! Be a part of our 2020 slate when you back today. There’s also a small number of limited rewards like the art and executive producer levels still available. Get one before it’s too late!

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The Kickstarter is also the only guaranteed way to get our first book, Making Monsters. There may be a few extra copies to list on our store later on, but if you’re interested in snagging a copy you definitely want to back at a book level!

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On the Trail of... UFOs DVD or Blu-Ray
from $22.99

If you’re not interested in any of the awesome rewards available through our Kickstarter - no worries! On the Trail of UFOs is now available for Pre-Order on the Small Town Monsters webstore! Pre-order your DVD or Blu-Ray copy of the two-disc, 8 episode series today and guarantee delivery by the official release date of March 20th!

DVD and Blu-Ray both come with all 8 episodes of the epic, cross-country adventure series PLUS a 21 minute behind-the-scenes featurette. The series runtime clocks in around 270 minutes making this a massive two-disc set you won’t want to miss! Pre-order at the link or guarantee your copy by backing the Kickstarter running through March 5th.