More Reward Announcements + YouTube Series Coming Soon!

On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey documents the Small Town Monsters crew’s 5 day trip to upstate New York last summer. Delving into numerous local creature reports and eyewitness encounters. The film also details the infamous “Kinderhook Creature” accounts that shook the tiny hamlet of Kinderhook, New York during the late 70s.

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Hauntings Episode One is Here!

Now available for Squad members!

The Small Town Monsters crew heads to a reportedly haunted location in Hanoverton, Ohio where a century-old legend tells of a "witch" who cursed the town before her death. The team interviews local guide, Zach Moore about the ghostly past of the Grove Hill Cemetery.
Kimberly Frazier Mitchel tells of some haunting events that also have occurred in the cemetery and discusses the curse placed upon the town. The team then heads out for a night investigation of the cemetery and captures something truly mysterious on one of the stationary cameras.

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Early Bell Reviews + 2021 Kickstarter News!

Early reviews are coming in!

The first supernatural docu-horror movie from Small Town Monsters is coming soon! The Mark of the Bell Witch arrives on Amazon Video, Vimeo OnDemand, and on DVD and Blu-Ray on December 15th. Pre-order your physical or digital copy today!

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Seth Breedlove