Mothman Legacy DVD or Blu-Ray

Mothman Legacy DVD or Blu-Ray
The Mothman Legacy follows the American urban myth about a red-eyed creature seen by some as a harbinger of doom in 1960s rural West Virginia, where sightings of the winged demonic beast were first documented near an old munitions dump known by locals as TNT. Many believe the “Mothman” to be a 1960’s phenomenon, an omen only appearing before tragedy, and disappearing after a flap of sightings and the subsequent “Silver Bridge” collapse in 1967. But what if there’s more? What if the origins of this “omen” trace back much further and go much deeper than anyone realized? And, what if...the sightings never ended?
The Mothman Legacy is the direct sequel to 2017's highly regarded, The Mothman of Point Pleasant. The new film will tell the story of dozens of sightings of a being that was simply said to be a part of folklore, but who, none-the-less continues to be seen around the area today. With nearly a dozen eyewitness interviews, the film promises to offer some of the most intense, and terrifying encounters ever recorded.
Includes an 18 minute behind the scenes special feature.
Runtime: 77 minutes
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