On the Trail of UFOs Night Visitors

On the Trail of UFOs Night Visitors
Do cattle mutilations still plague the American West? According to the latest documentary from Small Town Monsters, the phenomenon which was popularized through references in shows like "The X-Files" and "Unsolved Mysteries", continues to this day. On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors unveils a detailed look at the ongoing UFO activity occurring across the country through interviews with investigators and eyewitnesses. The feature-length documentary promises to take viewers on a journey into a side of the subject that they’ve never explored. Night Visitors is the follow-up to the wildly successful 2020 miniseries, On the Trail of UFOs, and 2021’s On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky. The film is directed by Small Town Monsters founder Seth Breedlove and follows investigator Shannon LeGro (host of Into the Fray podcast) as she searches for answers across the stunning mountains and prairie lands of Colorado. Her search takes her deep into often-overlooked and deeply disturbing sides of the UAP topic; cattle mutilations and human abductions.
This is a Preorder and the product will be shipped when the movie is released in April.